Magda Macias
CAM Line
Magda Macías currently resides in The Woodlands, TX. Magda will complete her Bachelor in Fine Arts in 2D Studio Art with a minor in Art History form Sam Houston State University in December 2019. She has a Bachelor in Computer Science from ITESM in Monterrey, N.L, México. Her artwork explores the relationship between art and science. She enjoys experimenting with the color theory using oil, acrylic and printmaking and techniques that involve a blend of bees wax, resin and pigments. She is the co-owner of Cadmium, LLC a small business dedicated to teaching art to adults in The Woodlands, TX. since 2015. Her recent show was the Senior Flash Back Exhibition at Satellite Gallery, in Huntsville, TX.
Artwork title: CAM Line (College of Art and Media at Sam Houston State University)
Dimensions: 6 in x 47.83 ft.
Materials: flexible hose covered with acrylic painted canvas
Location: Lobby of Newman Gresham Library SHSU
Artist’s statement
CAM line is an interactive work inspired by the idea of unity. The art department in SAM is formed by 574 art students. Each art student is represented in CAM line. Its length is 47.83 ft, which represents one inch for each one of the 574 students registered in the art department for Fall 2019.